How to Join a Cancer Support Group

Dealing with cancer can feel isolating. Support groups play a crucial role in helping you connect with people who understand what you are going through. At Cochise Oncology, we can connect you with local support and nationwide resources to aid you in your journey.

Why Join a Cancer Support Group?

Why go it alone when you can have a group that understands and encourages you? Support groups have tremendous value during treatment and recovery. Shared experiences can help you feel more connected. 

Cancer Support Sierra Vista, Tucson

How to Join a Cancer Support Group 

Cochise Oncology in Sierra Vista, AZ, offers its monthly support group. If you came from out of town for your treatment, you can most likely find a cancer support group in your local area. In larger areas, you may find a support group for your type of cancer. 

Cancer support groups are almost always free to join. If you want to participate in a support group but lack transportation. They may have resources available to help you get to the group meetings. If you have any other barriers to participating, the group facilitators will do their best to assist you. 

If you feel reluctant because you have never participated in a group like this before, try not to let this hold you back. Many groups have new members regularly, and they will welcome you as well. No one will ever make you participate if you feel uncomfortable. 

With more people working from home and many meetings held online, you will find an increasing number of online cancer support groups that allow you to join even if you have trouble getting to in-person meetings. The American Cancer Society offers a variety of resources to help you learn about support groups. You can also learn about the many other supports available to you. 

What Other Supports are Available? 

The American Cancer Society and other organizations provide many resources for patients and their families. If you are interested in a specific type of support, consult with your Cochise Oncology expert.

Patient and family housing relieves a considerable burden on patients and their families when they need to stay in the area for treatment. We offer Hospitality Houses where you can stay in a comfortable, home-like setting while undergoing treatment. You can even have a family member stay with you. 

You can find stores for cancer patients to purchase low-cost wigs, scarves, and hats. Others can provide a lower price on mastectomy products. If your treatment requires any type of cosmetic or life-improving support, we can help you find programs to help pay for them. 

Take the Next Step

Are you looking for a cancer support group? Reach out to Cochise Oncology at (520) 803-6644 or fill out the consultation form on this page.

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